Statement of the problem
Paint industry is one of the fastest growing economies in Nigeria. The effluents its discharge has contributed a lot to the pollution of our environment because of toxic chemicals and heavy metals that are emanating from them (Körbahti and Tanyolac¸ 2009). These toxic chemicals and heavy metals end up in our rivers, dams, lakes and 5 oceans killing the aquatic lives thereby making the water unfit for drinking and domestic purposes. Conventional physicochemical methods used to treat and remove colours from paint effluent are costly and cannot be used by small scale industries to treat and remove colours from effluent hence coagulation-flocculation becomes an alternative because it is cheaper and simple to use ( Obiora-okafo and Onukwuli, 2015). Most of the coagulants in used are synthetic and inorganic chemicals and they have been prohibited by NESREA due to environmental health challenges associated with them (Okolo et al., 2015).
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Conflict is an inherent challenge in any s...